To Speak to a U.S. Based Lighting Pro

Patsy and Kim Pedersen

Founders of

As founders of, Patsy and Kim Pedersen oversee a wholly American owned award-winning business that continues to grow and exceed customer expectations. Patsy and Kim are also the owners of Precision Lighting and Transformer, Inc. (PLT Solutions), which is a manufacturer of high quality competitively priced bulbs, fixtures and lighting accessories.

About Patsy Pedersen

Born and raised in Big Spring, Texas, Patsy eventually settled in San Antonio where she met her husband, Kim Pedersen. During the early years of, Patsy was a jane-of-all-trades, working alongside her husband in all aspects of purchasing, accounting, shipping and receiving. She now serves as Executive Vice President of Patsy is passionate about helping others and being involved with a variety of ministries that spread the word of God, including leading Bible studies. She is a faithful cornerstone of First Baptist Church Dallas where she and Kim have been members for over 14 years.

About Kim Pedersen

In 1979, after serving in the United States Navy, Kim responded to an ad for a lighting sales position, where he sold lighting door-to-door throughout the Midwest. Soon after, he and Patsy relocated to Dallas, TX so he could work for a national lighting distributor. With his career developing, Kim decided that the time had come to start his own business. Using a small amount of personal savings, Patsy and Kim began their operation from their home. With a typewriter and a desk fashioned out of an old door and two saw horses, they converted a spare bedroom into an office and got to work. Determined by the drive to succeed, they sold products by day and invoiced paperwork by night, often working without a break.

Business thrived, and Kim was ready for something more; they began researching the “internet” as a portal to the marketplace. It soon became evident the market was ready for this new buying experience, and was launched in 1996. The company grew rapidly, creating jobs and developing a growing amount of engaged customers, earning them the 2010 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. Today, Kim continues to strive for excellence, always moving forward with cutting-edge ideas and promoting customer satisfaction.


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