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Incandescent PAR36 Light Bulbs

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With a variety of incandescent PAR36 bulbs to choose from, you'll have no trouble find a replacement light for your application. A PAR36 bulb is a parabolic aluminized reflector with a diameter of 4.5 inches (36/8 of an inch). Using a lens and reflector, these sealed-beam lamps are able to produce a powerful light that is unfocused around the edges. Available from 2 watts to 250 watts, they are used in a variety of settings, including residential, commercial and theatrical. Additionally, incandescent 12-volt bulbs have luminous intensities up to 110,000 cp. If you're unsure about your purchase, reach out to 1000Bulbs for assistance. The knowledgeable staff will help inform your decision and locate what you're looking for.