To Speak to a U.S. Based Lighting Pro

SYLVANIA 67578 - LU250/ECO - HPS

250 Watt - Lumalux/Eco - High Pressure Sodium - ANSI S50 - 2100K - Mogul Base

SYLVANIA 67578 - LU250/ECO - HPS Thumbnail

SYLVANIA 67578 - LU250/ECO - HPS

250 Watt - Lumalux/Eco - High Pressure Sodium - ANSI S50 - 2100K - Mogul Base

The new LUMALUX/ECO (ECOLOGIC) lamps have sufficiently low mercury and lead content to pass the Federal TCLP test. These TCLP-passing ECOLOGIC lamps include some of the most popular LUMALUX HPS lamps available.

Mercury containing products sold into the state of WA include an environmental handling charge of .95/each

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SKU: LU250ECO-67578
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Not for Sale. Reference Only.



The new LUMALUX/ECO (ECOLOGIC) lamps have sufficiently low mercury and lead content to pass the Federal TCLP test. These TCLP-passing ECOLOGIC lamps include some of the most popular LUMALUX HPS lamps available.

Mercury containing products sold into the state of WA include an environmental handling charge of .95/each

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